Managing staff effectively is a continual challenge. You may have experienced situations such as high staff turnover, absenteeism, and lack of commitment or motivation. To overcome these issues, JCO has designed a management training course specifically tailored to Japanese managers and delivered in Japanese.
This training course will share best practices in international management and give opportunities for each participant to apply them through case studies and role-plays. We have condensed the key components into a hands-on, intensive course, designed to meet the time constraints and heavy workloads of today’s managers and executives.
Japanese managers who have taken a JCO cross-cultural training course (not required but recommended.) Japanese managers who have team-leadership and management responsibilities

There are many organizations that offer management training. While this course is not explicitly focused on cross-cultural issues, JCO’s particular expertise in understanding and explaining Japanese cultural roots and their implications in a multicultural working environment adds a significant extra dimension to the course.
You will learn best practices in management and tools for more effective communication, including cases for challenging feedback.
You will leave with an understanding of what you can expect from your team and what your team can expect from you, and most importantly, be better able to lead and motivate them.
A detailed program can be obtained upon request.
The main modules include:
Role-plays and case studies will be used throughout the course to illustrate and reinforce the learning. The training is very practical and covers various aspects of people management, basic to all managers, regardless of nationality. The training language is Japanese, enabling participants to ask any questions and receive tips and advice on how to best collaborate with and manage non-Japanese colleagues.
We offer this training in a blended learning option with the following steps:

This is limited to a maximum of 6 participants to ensure interaction.
Special online training campaign:
To show you the benefits of online training session, we are happy to invite one member of your HR team free of charge!
Please book your free seat here: elearning@japanconsultingoffice.com