Dieses Mal möchten wir einen Artikel unserer Kollegen von JCO Belgien teilen, der sehr hilfreiche Tipps zum Thema Brainstorming enthält.
The 5 secrets for an effective brainstorming session with Japanese.
Have you ever tried to brainstorm with Japanese colleagues?
If you did, you might have been disappointed by the lack of participation of your colleagues. You might have though “I can’t believe they are top class engineers and they don’t even have any ideas.” When you ask Japanese colleagues to brainstorm, you are asking them to do something they have little experience with. Indeed, at school, they had almost no discussion or debate classes so brainstorming can be challenging for them.Here are 5 tips for more effective interaction when brainstorming: 1. Ask them to prepare This is probably the most important thing. Don’t take your Japanese colleagues by surprise. Tell them in advance what you would like to brainstorm about. They will then come with ideas. It is almost impossible in a Japanese business context to expect someone to come up with ideas out of the blue and without any data to back it up.2. Explain the rules in advance Tell them what they are supposed to prepare and tell them how the brainstorming meeting with take place. Ideally assure them that any results will not be binding. 3. Use post-its 4. Avoid having senior Japanese staff in the room 5. Have a meeting facilitator If you follow those 5 simple steps, your brainstorming is likely to be much more productive. |