“Time is money”

(translation from JCO article in Japanese) The Japanese government has launched a new work-style reform in Japan as of April 1st, 2019 which steers the Japanese labour market towards a more globally aligned approach to work and efficiency. One of the goals appears to be to reduce overly long working hours. It is an interesting…

The Education System in Japan (Part I)

Japan is notorious for its strong emphasis on “humans as resources”: due to its lack of natural resources, Japan instead focuses on forming highly educated and skilled citizens. Education is perceived as not only defining and embodying many Japanese values but also as a considerable determinant of careers and futures. Let us examine the Japanese…

JCO Has Won the “1st BEST Supplier” and “Highest Appreciated Training Institute” Award for the Second Time

We are happy to announce that Japan Consulting Office (JCO) has received the “1st BEST Supplier” and “Highest Appreciated Training Institute” award from Mitsubishi Turbocharger and Engine for the second time. This prestigious recognition is the result of the high quality of our training programs, our practical approach and the visible change in behavior following…

Why Do My Japanese Colleagues Pronounce “Elevator” as “erebeetaa”?

All people who work regularly with Japanese colleagues have probably experienced this: their level of spoken English is usually not that great. Furthermore, they seem to have a very particular way of pronouncing things: “elevator” becomes ‘erebeetaa’, “invoice” becomes ‘inboisu’, “contract” becomes ‘kontorakuto’, etc. There are several reasons for this, and you will see that…

Why Do Japanese Apologise So Often?

Japanese participants in JCO seminars very often give following complaint: “Staff in Europe/the US seldom apologize but are always looking for excuses instead.” Let’s take a closer look at the cultural background of this rather unflattering perception of Western staff and colleagues. As Japan is very densely populated it is a necessity to defuse potential…

How to Get Feedback from a Japanese Boss

Sometimes when Westerners work with Japanese they can be frustrated by the lack of feedback from their Japanese managers. Why is it sometimes difficult to get feedback from Japanese managers? There can be many reasons why there is no feedback. A Japanese boss may be simply not conscious of the need to give feedback. The…